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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Firefox Turns One Year Old

Today is a great day - it marks about 1 year since I have used MSIE as my day to day browser. The reason? One year ago today, Firefox, a much better and safer web browser hit the market.

Since day one of using Firefox, I fell in love with it. How could you not love a web browser that in my experience crashes maybe once a month as opposed to every few days like MSIE? Firefox while not perfect, suffers from a lot fewer security problems than MSIE does.

And talk about customizations... it may have started out smaller, but today there are more than 700 extensions or "add-ons" for Firefox. Another feature that increases productivity immensely is tabs, a feature that MSIE to this day does not have in its current public release. (Those testing Vista finally can play with it though).

Happy Birthday Firefox
May this be the first of many great years to come!

I'm currently beta testing the Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 1 and look forward to the release of the final version, hopefully later this year!